Vintage Auto Art

Auto art: Max Zorn uses a vintage European Rabi and turns its frame into a lightbox to illuminate his art made with brown packing tape.
From storefront windows to suitcases, the concept of using anything as a light to illuminate Max Zorn tape art can get creative — like car windows. These tiny, vintage European Rabis offered the perfect framework for Max to create a glowing effect within the cars themselves. Black Box offices are a co-work space in Amsterdam for creative startups, and Max Zorn’s summer studio residency ended with this fun concept coming to life.

Result: Max Zorn uses a vintage European Rabi and turns its frame into a lightbox to illuminate his art made with brown packing tape.

“City Serenades” by Max Zorn, brown packing tape on acrylic glass illuminated with LED light strips, 100cm x 70cm, sold
Bored Panda, “Incredible Packaging Tape Art by Max Zorn”
IAMEXPAT, “Interview with artist Max Zorn“, By Lily Heaton
ViralForest, “This Artist Creates Pictures Using Only Packing Tape“